
2020.01-至今, 吉林大学动物医学学院,教授

1. 横向科研项目(技术开发) 羊传染性脓疱病(基因缺失)活疫苗的研制与开发(项目编号:20210132)2020.12-2024.12
2. 吉林省科技厅重点研发项目 羊口疮(Orf)基因缺失致弱活疫苗研发的关键技术研究(项目编号:20210202042NC)2021.07-2024.06
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 宿主因子CypB促进羊传染性脓疱病毒复制的分子机制研究(项目编号:31672554) 2017.01-2020.12
4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 羊传染性脓疱病毒感染后宿主细胞差异表达基因的筛选与鉴定(项目编号:31101785) 2012.01-2014.12
5. 吉林省科技厅重点科技攻关项目 羊传染性脓疱病毒基因缺失减毒株的安全性及免疫效果评价(项目编号:20140204076NY) 2014.01-2016.12
6. 中国博士后科学基金项目 一株高度致死性鸡痘病毒的全基因组测序及分析(项目编号:2012M510887) 2012.05-2013.11

1、Hu S#, Zhao K#, Lan Y, Shi J, Guan J, Lu H, Gao F, Feng H, He W, Li Z∗. Cell-surface glycans act as attachment factors for porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus. Vet Microbiol. 2022 Feb;265:109315.
2、Zhou Y#, Guan J#, Gao F, Li Z, Lan Y, Lu H, Song D, Lv L, Lv P, Xu M, Wang Z, He H, Zhao K∗, He W∗. Orf Virus ORF120 Protein Positively Regulates the NF-kB Pathway by Interacting with G3BP1. J Virol. 2021 Sep 9;95(19):e0015321.
3、Zhou Y#, Gao F#, Lv L, Wang S, He W, Lan Y, Li Z, Lu H, Song D, Guan J∗, Zhao K∗. Host factor cyclophilin B affects Orf virus replication by interacting with viral ORF058 protein. Vet Microbiol. 2021 Jul;258:109099.
4、Zhong J#, Guan J#, Zhou Y, Cui S, Wang Z, Zhou S, Xu M, Wei X, Gao Y, Zhai S, Song D, He W, Gao F, Zhao K∗. Genomic characterization of two Orf virus isolates from Jilin province in China. Virus Genes. 2019;55:490-501.
5、Li Z#, Zhao K#, Lv X, Lan Y, Hu S, Shi J, Guan J, Yang Y, Lu H, He H, Gao F, He W∗. Ulk1 Governs Nerve Growth Factor/TrkA Signaling by Mediating Rab5 GTPase Activation in Porcine Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus-Induced Neurodegenerative Disorders. J Virol. 2018 Jul 31;92(16). pii:e00325-18.
6、Shi J#, Zhao K#, Lu H, Li Z, Lv X, Lan Y, Guan J, He W, Gao F∗. Genomic characterization and pathogenicity of a porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus strain isolated in China. Virus Genes. 2018 Oct; 54(5):672-683.
7、Li Z#, Zhao K#, Lan Y, Lv X, Hu S, Guan J, Lu H, Zhang J, Shi J, Yang Y, Song D, Gao F, He W∗. Porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus enters Neuro-2a cells via clathrin-mediated endocytosis in a Rab5-, cholesterol-, and pH-dependent manner. J Virol. 2017 Nov 14; 91(23). pii: e01083-17.
8、Lv X#, Zhao K#, Lan Y, Li Z, Ding N, Su J, Lu H, Song D, Gao F and He W∗. miR-21a-5p contributes to porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus proliferation via targeting CASK-interactive protein1 in vivo and vitro. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2017, 8: 304.
9、Ding N#, Zhao K#, Lan Y, Li Z, Lv X, Su J, Lu H, Gao F and He W∗. Induction of atypical autophagy by porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus contributes to viral replication. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2017, 7:56.
10、Zhao K, Li J, He W, Song D, Zhang X, Zhang D, Zhou Y, Gao F∗. Cyclophilin B facilitates the replication of Orf virus. Virology Journal. 2017, Jun 15; 14(1): 114.
11、Pan W#, Song D#, He W, Lu H, Lan Y, Tong J, Gao F, Zhao K∗. The matrix protein of vesicular stomatitis virus inhibits host-directed transcription of target genes via interaction with the TFIIH subunit p8. Vet Microbiol. 2017 Sep; 208: 82-88.
12、Pan W#, Song D#, He W, Lu H, Lan Y, Li H, Gao F, Zhao K∗. EIF3i Affects Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Growth by Interacting with Matrix Protein. Vet Microbiol. 2017 Dec; 212: 59-66.
1、高丰,贺文琦,赵魁等主编,《动物病理解剖学》(第二版),《科学出版社》 2013.11
2、赵德明,张仲秋,周向梅等主译,《猪病学》(第十版),《中国农业大学出版社》 2014.08