






  1、主讲本科生新生专业研讨课、畜牧学概论、养牛学、养马学、Special English for animal science major等;
  2、主讲硕、博士研究生动物生产专题、畜产品安全生产原理与方法、动物源性食品营养与安全概论、动物福利学、New techniques of animal reproduction等;


  1981.09—1985.07江苏农学院 牧医系 农学学士学位
  1999.09—2002.07南京农业大学 农学博士学位



  1985.08—1992.10江苏农学院牧医系动物生产学教研室 助 教
  1992.11—1998.10江苏农学院牧医系动物生产学教研室 讲 师
  1998.11—2005.08 扬州大学动物科学与技术学院 副教授
  2005.08— 至今扬州大学动物科学与技术学院 教授、博导
  2005.10—2006.11宁夏回族自治区农牧厅 党组成员、厅长助理
  2006.01—2006.08 McGill University, Canada,访问学者
  2006.08—2016.06 扬州大学动物科学与技术学院副院长
  2016.06— 至今 扬州大学动物科学与技术学院院长





  8、中央财政农业技术推广“江苏苏北肉牛产业链关键技术集成与推广” TG(16)012;
  9、江苏省农业三项工程“杏鲍菇菌糠发酵饲料的开发及肉牛养殖综合配套技术” SXGC[2016]322
  10、江苏省农业自主创新基金“长三角地区生态优质高效乳业创新体系研究” CX(17)1005;




  近年来带领课题组在Emerging Infectious Disease、J. Agric. Food Chem、Journal of Dairy Science、Parasites and Vectors、Molecular and Cellular Probes、Livestock Science、Animal Biotechnology、中国农业科学、畜牧兽医学报等国内外刊物上发表论文80余篇,其中SCI收录27篇。
  1、Yang Y, Yang Z, Kelly P, Li J, Ren Y, Wang C. Borrelia miyamotoi sensu lato in Père David Deer and Haemaphysalis longicornis Ticks. Emerging Infectious Disease, 2018,24(5):928-931. (中科院一区, IF: 8.22)   2、Zhi Chen, Hailei Xia, Hongliang Shen, Xin Xu, Abdelaziz Adam Idriss Arbab, Mingxun Li, Huimin Zhang, Yongjiang Mao, Zhangping Yang. Pathological Features of Staphylococcus aureus Induced Mastitis in Dairy Cows and Isobaric-Tags-for-Relative-and-Absolute-Quantitation Proteomic Analyses. J. Agric. Food Chem, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b05461. (中科院一区, IF: 3.15)
  3、Huimin Zhang, Hongrui Jiang , Yongliang Fan, Zhi Chen, Mingxun Li, Yongjiang Mao, Niel A. Karrow, Juan J. Loor, Stephen Moore, Zhangping Yang, Transcriptomics and iTRAQ-proteomics Analyses of Bovine Mammary Tissue with Streptococcus agalactiae-induced Mastitis,J. Agric. Food Chem,2018.8.10,在线,(中科院一区3.154)   4、H.M. Zhang, H.L. Xia, H.R. Jiang, Y.J. Mao, K.X. Qu, B.Z. Huang, Y.C. Gong, and Z.P. Yang. Longissimus dorsi muscle transcriptomic analysis of Yunling and Chinese Simmental cattle differing in intramuscular fat content and fatty acid composition,Genome Vol. 61, 2018(四区1.755)
  5、Mingxun Li, Hailei Xia, Dan Chen, Dejun Ji, Tsunoda Kenji, Rui Li, Xiangxiang Liao, Yongjiang Mao, Wei Sun, Rongqing Geng, Zhangping Yang. Genetic differentiation and phylogeny of 27 sheep populations based on structural gene loci. Molecular and Cellular Probes, 2018, 37:55-59. (中科院三区, IF: 1.40)   6、Yang Y, Yang Z, Kelly P, Li J, Ren Y, Wang C. Anaplasma phagocytophilum in highly endangered Père David’s deer (Elaphurus davidianus). Parasites and Vectors, 2018, 11(1): 25. (中科院三区, IF: 3.03)
  7、Junhua Pu, Rui Li , Chenglong Zhang, Dan Chen , Xiangxiang Liao , Yihui Zhu , Xiaohan Geng, Dejun Ji, Yongjiang Mao, Yunchen Gong and Zhangping Yang ,Expression profiles of miRNAs from bovine mammary glands in response to Streptococcus agalactiae-induced mastitis,Journal of Dairy Research (2017) 84 300–308(中科院三区, IF: 1.17)   8、Yang Y, Fan W, Mao Y, Yang Z, Lu G, Zhang R, Zhang H, Szeto C, Wang C. Bovine leukemia virus infection in cattle of China: association with reduced milk production and increased somatic cell score. Journal of Dairy Science, 2016, 99(5):3688-3697. (中科院二区, IF: 2.47)   9、Qiu H, Kelly P, Zhang J, Luo Q, Yang Y, Mao Y, Yang Z, Li J, Wu H, Wang C. Molecular detection of Anaplasma spp. and Ehrlichia spp. in ruminants from twelve provinces of China. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, 2016, 9183861. (中科院四区, IF: 1.46)   10、Li J, Guo W, Kaltenboeck B, Sachse K, Yang Y, Luan L, You J, Huang K, Qiu H, Wang Y, Li M, Yang Z, Wang C. Chlamydia pecorum is the endemic intestinal species in cattle while C. gallinacea, C. psittaci and C. pneumoniae associate with sporadic systemic infection. Veterinary Microbiology, 2016, 193:93-9. (中科院二区, IF: 2.68)   11、El-Mahallawy HS, Kelly P, Zhang J, Yang Y, Zhang H, Wei L, Mao Y, Yang Z, Zhang Z, Fan W, Wang C. High seroprevalence of Coxiella burnetii in dairy cattle in China. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2016, 48(2):423-426. (中科院四区, IF: 0.91)   12、Renjin Chen, Zhenzhen Wang, Zhangping Yang, Xiaorong Zhu, Dejun Ji & Yongjiang Mao. Association of IL8 -105G/A with Mastitis Somatic Cell Score in Chinese Holstein Dairy Cows. Animal Biotechnology, 2015, 26:2,143-147. (中科院四区, IF: 0.75)
  13、Y.J. Mao, X.R. Zhu, R. Li, D. Chen, S.Y. Xin, Y.H. Zhu, X.X. Liao, X.L. Wang, H.M. Zhang, Z.P. Yang, L.G. Yang. Methylation analysis of CXCR1 in mammary gland tissue of cows with mastitis induced by Staphylococcus aureus. Genet. Mol. Res, 2015,14 (4): 12606-12615. (中科院四区, IF: 0.77)
  14、Yongjiang Mao, Xiaorui Zhu, Shiyu Xing, Meirong Zhang, Huimin Zhang, Xiaolong Wang, Niel Karrowc, Liguo Yang, Zhangping Yang. Polymorphisms in the promoter region of the bovine lactoferrin gene influence milk somatic cell score and milk production traits in Chinese Holstein cows. Research in Veterinary Science, 2015,103:107–112. (中科院三区, IF: 1.29)
  15、Rui Li Cheng-Long Zhang, Xiang-Xiang Liao Dan Chen, Wen-Qiang Wang, Yi-Hui Zhu, Xiao-Han Geng, De-Jun Ji, Yong-Jiang Ma, Yun-Chen Gon, Zhang-Ping Yang. Transcriptome MicroRNA Profiling of Bovine Mammary Glands Infected with Staphylococcus aureus, Int. J. Mol. Sci, 2015, 16, 4997-5013. (中科院三区, IF: 3.12)   16、Yi Yang, Yongjiang Mao, Patrick Kelly, Zhangpin Yang, Lu Luan, Jilei Zhang, Jing Li,Heba S El-Mahallawy, Chengming Wang. A pan-Theileria FRET-qPCR survey for Theileria spp.in ruminants from nine provinces of China. Parasites & Vectors, 2014, 7:413. (中科院三区, IF: 3.03)   17. Yang Y, Mao Y, Kelly P, Yang Z, Luan L, Zhang J, Li J. El-Mahallawy HS, Wang C. A pan-Theileria FRET-qPCR survey for Theileria spp. in ruminants from nine provinces of China. Parasites & Vectors, 2014, 7:413. (中科院三区, IF: 3.03)   18、X. X. Wu, Z. P. Yang, X. K. Shi. J. Y. Li. D. J. Ji. Association of SCD1and DGAT1 SNPs with the instramuscular fat traits in Chinese simmental cattle and their distribution in eight Chinese cattle breeds. Molecular Biology Report, 2012,39:1065-1071. (中科院四区, IF: 1.83)
  19、Y.J. Mao, R.J. Chen L.L. Chang, Y. Chen, D.J. Ji a, X.X. Wu a, X.K. Shi, H.T. Wu, M.R. Zhang, Z.P. Yang, S. König, L.G. Yang. Effects of SCD1- and DGAT1-genes on production traits of Chinese Holstein cows located in the Delta Region of Yangtze River. Livestock Science, 2012,145 : 280–286. (中科院三区, IF: 1.38)
  20、Renjin Chen, Zhangping Yang, Dejun Ji, Yongjiang Mao,Ying Chen, Yaqin Zhang, Hamza, Xiaolong Wang, Yunlong Li. SNPs of CXCR1 Gene and Its Associations with Somatic Cell Score in Chinese Holstein Cattle. Animal Biotechnology, 2011, 22: 133–142. (中科院四区, IF: 0.75)   21. Renjin Chen, Zhangping Yang, Dejun Ji, Yongjiang Mao, Ying Chen, Yunlong Li, Haitao Wu, Xiaolong Wang, Lingling Chang. Polymorphisms of the IL8 gene correlate with milking traits, SCS and mRNA level in Chinese Holstein. Molecular Biology Report, 2011: 38:4083–4088. (中科院四区, IF: 1.83)
  22、A. E. Hamza, Z. P.Yang, X. L. Wang, R. J. Chen, H. T. Wu and A. I. Ibrahim. The Impact of Kappa Casein Gene Polymorphism on Milk Components and Other Productive Performance Traits of Chinese Holstein Cattle. Pak Vet J, 2011, 31(2): 153-156. (中科院四区, IF: 0.81)   23、Xiu-Xiang Wu, Zhang-Ping Yang, Xiao-Long Wang, Yong-Jiang Mao, Shu-Chun Li, Xue-Kui Shi, Ying Chen. Restriction fragment length polymorphism in the exon 2 of the BoLA-DRB3 gene in Chinese Holstein of the south China. J. Biomedical Science and Engineering, 2010, 3, 221-225. (中科院三区, IF: 1.87)
  24、Wei Sun, Hong Chang, Hassan Hussein Musa, Zhangping Yang, Kenji Tsunoda, Mingxing Chu. Detection of phylogenetic extraction of sheep populations in East and South Asia based on fuzzy discriminants analysis. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2010, 9(26):4138-4143. (中科院四区, IF: 0.55)
  25、R.J. Chen, Z.P. Yang*, D.J. Ji, D.Y. Qu, Y.L. Li, Y.J. Mao, D.L. Huang. Analysis of genetic polymorphism in six meat sheep breeds and genetic distances between them. Czech J. Animal science, 54, 2009 (10):461-467. (中科院四区, IF: 0.82)
  26、Mao Yong-Jiang, Chang Hong, Yang Zhang-Ping, Zhang Liu, Xu Ming, Chang Guo-Bin, Sun Wei, Song Guang-Ming. Genetic diversity and differentiation of six Chinese cattle populations using microsatellite. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 2008, 35(1):25-32. (中科院二区, IF: 4.05)
  27、Z. P. Yang, H. Chang, W. Sun, R.Q.Gen, Y.J.Mao and Tsunoda. A Comparison of Two Kinds of Markers Applied in Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Sheep and Goat Population, Asian-Australasian Journal of animal Science 2004, 17(7)892-896 (中科院四区, IF: 1.24)
  28、Y J Mao, G H Zhong, Y C Zheng, Z P Yang, et al. Genetic polymorphism of milk protein and their relationships with milking traits in Chinese yak. Asian-Australasian Journal of animal Science. 2004,17(11):1479-1483(中科院四区, IF: 1.24)


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