吴中红(女),甘肃静宁人, 中国农业大学教授、博导。畜牧环保专家。

2011~2015年 国家兔产业技术体系,养殖设施与环境控制岗位专家;
2013~2017年 公益行业项目子课题:南方兔舍防暑防寒、通风及清粪技术研究,主持;
2009-2013年 农业产业技术体系北京市生猪创新团队,健康养殖与环境调控岗位团队成员;
2011-2014年 科技支撑项目子课题:家畜繁殖障碍的畜舍环境控制与饲养工艺技术集成,参加。


1、Pang Y, An L, Wang P, Yu Y, Yin Q, Wang X, Zhang X, Zhang Q, Yang M, Guo M, Wu Z, Tian J. Treatment of porcine donor cells and reconstructed embryos with the antioxidant melatonin enhances cloning efficiency. J Pineal Res. 2013; 54: 389-397.
2、Gao S, Wang Z, Di K, Chang G, Tao L, An L, Wu F, Liu Y, Wu Z, Li X, Gao S, Tian J. Melatonin improves the reprogramming efficiency of murine induced pluripotent stem cells using a secondary inducible system. J Pineal Res. 2013; 55: 31-39.
3、Xu X, Ma W, Zhu Y, Wang C, Wang B, An N, An L, Liu Y, Wu Z, Tian J. The microtubule-associated protein ASPM regulates spindle assembly and meiotic progression in mouse oocytes. PLoS One. 2012; 7, e49303.
4、Xia CM, Xia W, Yang S, An L, Li XH, Wu ZH, Zhang JX, Wang ZQ, Tian JH. Effect of antioxidant supplementation on function and fertility of sex-sorted boar spermatozoa. Anim Reprod Sci , 2012, 136(1-2), 108-114.
5、Ma W, An L, Wu Z, Wang X, Guo M, Miao K, Ma W, Tian J. Efficient and safe recipient preparation for transplantation of mouse spermatogonial stem cells: pretreating testes with heat shock. Biol Reprod. 2011; 85: 670-6677.
6、Cheng W, An L, Wu Z, Zhu Y, Liu J, Gao H, Li X, Zheng S, Chen D, Tian J. Effects of disulfide bond reducing agents on sperm chromatin structural integrity and developmental competence of in vitro matured oocytes after intracytoplasmic sperm injection in pigs. Reproduction. 2009: 137:633-643.
7、An L, Pang YW, Ga, HM, Tao L, Miao K, Wu ZH, Tian JH. Heterologous expression of C. elegans fat-1 decreases the n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio and inhibits adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2012: 428, 405-10.
8、Xia C, Xia W, Yang S, An L, Li X, Wu Z, Zhang J, Wang Z & Tian J. Effect of antioxidant supplementation on function and fertility of sex-sorted boar spermatozoa. Anim Reprod Sci. 2012: 136, 108-14.
9、Cheng WM†, Wu ZH†, Zhang X, Zhu YB, Pang YW, Guo M, Wang D & Tian JH. Effects of different activation regimens on pronuclear formation and developmental competence of in vitro-matured porcine oocytes after intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Reprod Domest Anim. 2012: 47, 609-14.
10、Miao K, Guo M, An L, Xu XL, Wu H, Wang D, Wu ZH, Tian JH. A new method to efficiently produce transgenic embryos and mice from low-titer lentiviral vectors. Transgenic Res. 2011: 20, 357-63.
11、An L †, Wu ZH †, Wu YF, Zhang XL, Liu X, Zhu YB, Cheng WM, Gao HM, Guo M & Tian JH. Fertility in single-ovulating and superovulated dairy heifers after insemination with low dose sex-sorted sperm. Reprod Domest Anim. 2010: 45, e344-50
12、Xulei Sun, Wenzhi Ma, Yubo Zhu, Zhonghong Wu et al. Cycloheximide speeds the porcine oocyte nuclear kinetics and retains embryonic developmental potential in the presence of gonadotrophins. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 2010, 90 (2): 189-196.
13、Powell JM, Li YX, Wu ZH, Glen BA, Brian HJ. Rapid assessment of feed and manure management on confinement dairy farms. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2008, 82(2):107–115.
14、Wu Z, Powell J M. Dairy Manure Type, Application Rate, and Frequency Impact Plants and Soils. Soil Science Society American Journal. 2007. 71: 1306-1313.
15、Tian JH, Wu ZH, Liu L, Cai Y, Zeng SM, Zhu SE, Liu GS, Li Y & Wu CX. Effects of oocyte activation and sperm preparation on the development of porcine embryos derived from in vitro-matured oocytes and intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Theriogenology. 2006: 66, 439-48
16、提博宇,王美芝,徐旨弘,吴中红. 开放式兔舍水空调技术夏季降温效果. 农业工程学报,2011, 27(7): 258-263.
17、王美芝,田见晖,刘继军,吴中红. 北京市繁殖猪舍高温环境控制状况. 农业工程学报,2011, 27(3): 222-227.
18、王美芝,刘继军,吴中红等. 地源热泵技术对规模化猪场节能减排的影响. 农业工程学报,2011, 27(4): 251-254.
19、贾静,王美芝,靳薇,田见晖,吴中红. 高温高湿地区兔舍制冷空调降温效果及经济效益分析. 家畜生态学报,2014.
20、徐旨弘,王美芝,贾静,田见晖,吴中红. 北京地区发酵床养猪方式冬夏季环境状况测试与分析,中国畜牧杂志,2013, 49(5): 66-71.
21、夏春梅,吴中红,张林波,田见晖. 氧化应激和抗氧化剂对精子生理过程影响的研究进展,畜牧与兽医,2011, 43: 95-99.
22、郭立永,刘继军,王美芝,刘丹丽,吴中红. 喷雾冷风机降温对肉牛舍热环境指标及肉牛增重的影响. 中国畜牧杂志. 2009, 45(23): 64-67.
23、陈微,刘丹丽,刘继军,王美芝,吴中红. 基于畜禽粪便养分含量的畜禽承载力研究,中国畜牧杂志,2009, 45(1):46-50.
1、刘鹏,吴中红. 兔舍湿帘降温和负压纵向通风设计使用要点及常见误区,中国养兔,2012, 8: 17-20.
2、吴中红,王美芝. 不同阶段猪饲养工艺、猪舍建筑与配套的环境调控要点,猪业科学,2011, 12: 54-56.
3、吴中红,靳薇. 国内外兔场环境调控及养殖工艺比较,中国养兔,2011, 5: 15-19.
4、吴中红. 盘点发酵床养猪. 猪业科学,2010, 11: 24-27.
5、吴中红,王新谋. 母猪舍建设与环境控制. 猪业科学,2010, 3: 48-50.
邮箱: wuzhh@cau.edu.cn